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Showing posts from May, 2011

What You May Not Know About Fiber

We have heard a lot about how we should get plenty of fiber in our diet. It is good for us, right? But what exactly is fiber and why does it aid our health? What is the difference between soluble fiber and insoluble fiber? Is one better than the other? What foods are the best sources of fiber? And how much do we need each day? In this issue of Wellness Express™, we look more closely at fiber, the different types, and the research that supports its remarkable health benefits. Fiber 101 What exactly is fiber? It is a food substance, predominantly found in plants, that cannot be digested by humans. Most fiber materials would be classified as complex carbohydrates. Because it cannot be broken down and absorbed into our bloodstream, fiber moves through our intestines, helping to remove waste and toxins, before being excreted. Dietary fiber refers to foods with naturally occurring fiber. Functional fiber is fiber added to a food product to boost its content of this substance. Solu...

Can Chiropractic Improve Your Game?

Athletes place a high physical demand on their bodies. They ask the body to work like a finely tuned, well-oiled machine. The rigorous training and competition schedules leave little time for injuries. Perhaps this is why almost every professional team in sports has a chiropractor looking after its athletes. As an example, 95% of NFL teams will employ chiropractors regularly to treat their players.1 Professional sport involves a combination of: coordination, balance, strength and flexibility. To reach the pinnacle of achievement in any sport, requires split-second reflexes, peak structural strength and stability and a will and determination to keep going when the going gets really, really tough. It requires a body that is functioning at its highest capacity. How Does This Relate to Chiropractic? Chiropractic is a healing art that focuses its attention on the function of the spine, and the precious nerve tissue (the spinal cord) that is encased in it. When it is aligned properly, ...

How Obesity Impacts Arthritis

You probably know that obesity is a risk factor for many serious health problems, including diabetes and heart disease. But your chiropractor will confirm that extra weight can put excessive stress on your musculoskeletal system. And recent research shows how troublesome obesity can be to arthritis patients. Biggest Cause of Disability Arthritis sufferers number 50 million in North America. By 2030, it is estimated 67 million people will have some form of arthritis. The disease is the leading cause of disability in our society. Statistics reveal that obesity is linked to 1 out of every 4 cases of arthritis. It seriously limits the physical activity of sufferers, which only further exacerbates obesity. There are many types of arthritis, but the most common are… Osteoarthritis (OA) Also known as degenerative joint disease, osteoarthritis is the most widespread, and results from excessive wear and tear of the joints. It usually affects the large weight-bearing joints of your body...

Chiropractic Care after a Car Accident

When it comes to car accidents, paramedics are often the first health care professionals who attend to your needs. Their job is to assess whether you should be rushed to the hospital for immediate medical treatment or deal with any life-threatening injuries right on the scene. Fractures, concussions, lacerations and other potential internal injuries will necessitate your escorted trip to the hospital. What if the paramedics tell you that you are not injured enough to go to the hospital, but you still don’t feel quite right? In this issue of Wellness Express we look at frequent problems your musculoskeletal system often encounters after a car accident. Common Injuries Some people encounter pain and tension right away. For others, the symptoms may get worse over time. Whether the impact occurs from the front or the rear, your neck is usually the most vulnerable area of your body in any motor vehicle accident. Car collisions involve rapid changes in acceleration and deceleration. ...