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I was just in a car accident, now what

You're in your car, relaxed, waiting at a stoplight. Suddenly you hear screeching of tires behind you and the harsh sound of metal hitting metal. In the split second before you can brace yourself, you feel your car moving forward from an unseen force! As your head starts to clear, you realize something is terribly wrong. What you do in the next few minutes could affect you for the rest of your life.

How can I prevent whiplash injuries?

Since car crashes are the major cause of acceleration/deceleration injuries, defensive driving skills can help. Be sure your taillights and turn signals are working properly. Allow enough stopping distance in front of you. When you slow down or stop, always check your rear view mirror to see if the driver behind you is paying attention. Prevention is the best defense against whiplash because there is not much you can do once you are impacted. The position of your headrest is also critical - make sure that it is level with the top of your head to guard against your head and neck "ramping over" the back of the seat.

What should I do immediately after the crash?

What happens in the few seconds during the crash can have tragic consequences, and what you do about it in the next hours, days and weeks can forever affect your health.

Upon impact, your body pushes deeply into your seat. Your head, momentarily isolated by your neck, delays its reaction while your body quickly reaches the limits of your seat. Then, your body instantly changes directions, moving forward to the limits of your seat belt. Now, your head starts backward in the opposite direction! Unrestrained by the seat belt, your head is jerked back and then forward beyond its normal limits. Everything seems to be happening in slow motion, yet you are unable to stop your head from whipping backward and then forward.

First surprise. Then anger. Then pain.

What to do if you are in an auto accident:

1. Notify the police immediately.

2. Exchange contact information with the other driver/drivers.

3. Contact your insurance company promptly.

4. Call us to get an examination as soon as possible at (425) 485-7507

Why do I have pain in my arms and hands?

Because the nerves to the arms and hands exit the spine through the injured area of the neck, numbness and tingling are common. Even lower back pain can result directly from the trauma or as a reaction to the loss of proper spinal curves.

Why did my headaches start more than a week after my car crash?

Whether you've been in an accident, stressed at work or overexerted yourself in the garden, your body is constantly adapting to the environment. When your capacity to adapt is exhausted, symptoms can appear. This can take place over days, weeks, months or years. Please give us a call at (425) 485-7507 immediately following a car accident to let us do a basic examination even if the crash seems minor.

How can I reduce the chance of permanent damage?

Don't minimize your own injuries because your car has sustained little or no damage. An immediate chiropractic examination is essential. Pain pills won't heal inflamed tendons and ligaments. Muscle relaxers won't heal torn muscles. A cervical collar won't restore a graceful forward spinal curve.
Specific chiropractic spinal adjustments, because they can help restore proper motion and position of individual spinal bones, can help assure proper healing . Chiropractic doctors can help you get well and stay well after the trauma of whiplash injury. Please contact us at (425) 485-7507.

Will I ever be normal again?

Many chiropractic patients report improved spinal curves and make a full recovery from their injuries. Those who delay seeking appropriate care often discover that scar tissue and spinal instability require extended treatment and recovery time. Start your recovery by calling (425) 485-7507.

Doyle Chiropractic Clinic, Drs. Arthur and Shay have been serving the Bothell, Kenmore, Woodinville, lake Forest Park and Lynnwood communities since 1982. Visit the website at


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