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Massage Therapy

We provide a variety of techniques to help promote injury recovery, health maintenance, and stress management in a professional, warm atmosphere.

Swedish Massage
A Swedish massage is a full body massage designed to promote general relaxation. Using long gliding strokes, the therapist will soothe your muscles and nerves, easing tension and stress. This form of massage is wonderful for increasing oxygen and reducing body toxins, while improving circulation and flexibility.

Deep Tissue Massage

This technique goes deeper into the muscle tissue to reduce spasms and scar tissue that often result from chronic injury or overuse. The therapist will use a combination of Swedish and deep tissue massage to enhance circulation and bring relief to the affected areas.

Sports Massage

A therapeutic massage focusing on a specific muscle group. Depending on the needs of the athlete, a variety of techniques are used including classic Swedish strokes, cross-fiber friction, pressure-point work, and joint mobilization; stretches and heat therapy may also be used. The special form of massage is typically used before, during, and after athletic events to prepare the athlete for peak performance, or to drain away fatigue, relieve swelling, reduce muscle tension, promote flexibility and to prevent injuries.

Myofascial Release Massage

Myofascial release is an effective therapeutic approach in the relief of cervical pain, back pain, fibromyalgia, scoliosis, neurological dysfunction, restriction of motion, chronic pain, and headaches. This massage modality stretches the fascia with gentle pressure, releasing the bonds and allowing the muscles to move more efficiently

Injury Recovery Massage

A massage beneficial in treating sprains, tendonitis, and other soft tissue injuries. This modality can decrease excess neurological activity, thereby lessening spasms and restoring muscle tone and length in the injured area. The reduction of muscle spasms will also increase blood flow and nutrients to the area, further promoting healing.
Adhesions and excess scarring after injury can limit movement and functioning. This can create muscle tightness that may cause further pain and dysfunction. Massage therapy is very effective in managing the development of scar tissue, maximizing mobility and flexibility in the injured area.

Pregnancy Massage

The therapist uses special cushions to allow the client to lie on her side during the massage. A lighter Swedish massage is the perfect treatment for an expectant mother.

Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Therapy

Massage therapy can help address the symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia by increasing blood circulation, flexibility and range of motion. Massage helps decrease stress, anxiety and the pain, swelling and stiffness associated with these conditions. Restful sleep is also a benefit of regular massage which assists with fatigue.

Lymphatic Drainage Therapy

A specific technique that massage the lymph nodes and lymph system using light rhythmic strokes designed to remove bacteria and toxins from the body. When lymph circulation stagnates, fluid can build up and cause physical problems, such as inflammation, edemas and neurotherpaies. A characteristic of lymph system massage is that the strokes are always with the muscle fiber, rather than cross-fiber, because the lymph system runs in the direction of the muscle fiber.

Insurance Information

Major Health Insurance Carriers

These plans are usually purchased by your employer, and are the same ones you use for any other type of health care. Most major plans in Washington State offer massage therapy benefits.

How to access benefits
As all insurance plans have varied benefit structures, our office requires your insurance information prior to your first appointment. Most insurance plans do require either a co-payment or deductible; we will verify and explain your specific benefits to you. Call and speak with one of our knowledgeable client care coordinators- they will be happy to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.

Do you need a referral?
Some major plans do not require referrals for massage therapy. However, if your plan does require a referral, you may obtain one from your MD, DC, or DO. If necessary, the Massage Center will fax a referral form to your doctor in order to speed the process.

How to Access Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Benefits

You may call or fax our office. In order to verify your claim, we will require all pertinent information, including your claim number, date of accident, and your insurance adjustor?s name and phone number. Your insurance company will also require a referral from your treating doctor; if necessary, we can fax a referral form to your doctor in order to speed the process. Our front desk staff will happily guide you through this process.

On the Job Injuries

Verifying an open claim

1. Call our office with your claim information.

2. You will need a referral from your treating doctor, whether it is MD, DC or DO. If necessary we can fax the referral form to your doctor in order to speed the process

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of massage?

Massage increases:
Circulation of blood and oxygen to muscles and other tissues
Relaxation of skin and muscles
Joint flexibility and range of motion
Sense of well-being and relaxation
Overall energy
Elimination of toxins
Massage decreases:
Muscle tension
Everyday stress
Pain from old injuries or overexertion
Stiffness, tightness and knotted muscles
What should I do to prepare for my massage?There is little preparation necessary- set your concerns aside when you enter our center. Remember to turn off your cell phone.
Although many clients prefer to completely undress, you are welcome to remain clothed at your comfort level. Our therapists respect your privacy, and will drape your body with a sheet at all times, aside from the area of the body currently being treated. .

I might be uncomfortable receiving a massage from a person of the opposite sex. Do I have a choice?Yes, the choice is always yours. Our therapists are completely comfortable and experienced treating members of both sexes.

How will my massage begin?If you are visiting our center for the first time, there will be a brief client intake form for you to fill out. This form asks questions about your medical history, current or past injuries, and any other relevant information of which the LMP should be made aware.
If you will be billing your insurance company, there will be a few insurance forms to fill out as well. We will verify your insurance benefits before your first appointment.
Your therapist will ask you questions and discuss your treatment before your appointment begins, so be sure to mention any particular health conditions or concerns you may have.
The therapist will leave the room so you can undress and get under the sheets in privacy.

What should I do during my massage?
While we only ask that you relax, please feel comfortable to alert your therapist if you find a particular stroke uncomfortable so that they may tailor the session to meet your individual needs and requests.

What if I fall asleep?
No problem! Your therapist will wake you when the treatment is over.

What happens at the end of my massage?
The therapist will leave the room to allow you to dress in privacy. Please check in at the front desk on your way out.
We encourage you to drink lots of water to aid the increase in circulation and detoxification.

Do I need to leave a tip?
No, at Doyle Chiropractic Massage, we want you to relax and focus on your massage. Tipping is optional. As health care professionals, our licensed therapists are focused completely on your massage treatment.

Our Massage Therapists have been serving the people of Bothell, Woodinville, Kenmore, Lake Forest Park and Lynnwood for over 10 years.


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